Marketing 101 – Your Customers are DUMB

I’m a marketer… and yes, I know… I’m evil. I hear it all the time. People only hate us because we make them realize the need for products you never thought you would even want. In my last marketing lecture of sophomore year, we watched this video. Marketing is everything.

So, it all started in Canada with SHREDDIES cereal (essentially Canadian Chex). They are little squares of whole grain goodness. Canadians were content with their squares til one day… A marketer turned that square 45 degrees… and VOILA!! DIAMOND SHREDDIES. These NEW Diamond Shreddies sold like crazy and taste tests were even conducted to see what tasted better, the squares or the diamonds. And, as the title says: people are dumb. Some actually thought they tasted a difference.

… and then since there was such a debate over square and diamond shreddies… guess what they did?

Did you guess? C’mon guess.

They made a combo box.

Watch the video here.

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As to not sound uppity and pretending like I am super smart or anything, I figured that I should explain the title of this blog.  “… and I like knowing that the space between my ears is immeasurable …” is a quote from the short-lived Showtime series, Dead Like Me.  Over spring break week, I watched the whole series on steaming Netflix (which is AWESOME by the way, and if you don’t have it, I would totally recommend it) and loved it.

Even though I’m not really into the whole sci-fi scene, for some reason this show stuck with me.  What is it all about you ask?  Grim reapers… Yeah, I know that sounds dumb… but it’s not like all dark and death and that stuff.  It’s a dramady (drama slash comedy, get it?)  In this show, grim reapers just look like normal people and they are given their assignments daily as to who is going to die every day.  Their assignments are given to them on yellow post-it notes with first initial, last name, where they will die, and e.t.d. (estimated time of death.)  The reaper’s job is to “pop” the soul of the human before they actually die so they don’t feel pain when they actually do kick the bucket.  Then they help the soul cross over and find their lights.

The show is more complicated, because the newest reaper Georgia, 18 years old (who’s life was recently snuffed out by a flaming toilet seat from a space station) still tries to interact with her living family.  See, reaper’s are technically undead, so they never crossed over and are stuck on earth… they interact with the living, but do not look the same and must assume new identities.

I believe that this show provides some insight into how the world actually does take care of you.  While some of the deaths are funny, others aren’t, and it kind of goes to show you how you will be taken care of no matter what.  The show has nothing to do with religion, so if that isn’t your thing, no worries…  Also, it goes to show how you should really live your life to the fullest, because you never know when it will be over…

My summary probably does not do the show justice, but you should deff check out the show if you haven’t already… it is also on Hulu if you don’t have Netfix.

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One Hundo Days of Summer

So, here we are… it’s summertime!  That means: chillin, tanning, GTL, vacationing, etc… right?? Wrong.  As part of my graduation requirements, I need to fulfill two ten-week co-ops (paid internships…) and that is what I am doing all summer long, working full time at Dunder Mifflin… plus!! Most likely selling shoes on the weekends.  Vacation?  No.  But, don’t think I am complaining… It just cracks me up that other kids my age don’t do the same… don’t you have student loans and stuff?  I know I sure do.

Anywaysssss… This is my first post on WordPress (of which I am not yet very familiar… so any help would be appreciated!)  I started a blog on blogspot (with the same name “the space between my ears is immeasurable”) so you can check that out too…. but there isn’t much content…. I will most likely update both blogs with the same-ish material.

As to outline how this blog will go… I will most likely talk about: my opinions (of which I have many,) “funny” stories, marketing things, my summer internship with Michael Scott, my shoe selling escapades, or maybe even my fraternity (no, it’s not a sorority… it’s co-ed, it’s better.)  Anyways… hope you enjoy!!  Friends with wordpresses – hit me up!

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